At Astute Financial Planning, we want to make sure you’re always in the know. Below are simple explanations of some common terms you might hear during our work together:
AIM (Alternative Investment Market) – A market for smaller, growing companies. High risk, high reward potential.
Annuity – A product that provides guaranteed income for life or a set period, bought with your pension.
APR (Annual Percentage Rate) – The yearly interest rate on loans or credit cards.
Assets – Things you own that have value, like your home, savings, or investments.
Bonds – Loans you give to a company or government in exchange for interest.
Budgeting – A plan to manage your income and expenses.
Capital Gains Tax – A tax on the profit when you sell assets like property or shares.
Cash Flow – The money coming in and going out of your finances.
Compound Interest – Interest earned on both your savings and the interest itself.
Defined Benefit Pension – A pension that guarantees a specific payout based on your salary and years of work.
Defined Contribution Pension – A pension where payouts depend on how much was contributed and how well investments perform.
Diversification – Spreading investments across different areas to reduce risk.
Dividends – A portion of company profits paid to shareholders.
EIS (Enterprise Investment Scheme) – High-risk investment in small companies with significant tax relief.
Emergency Fund – Savings set aside for unexpected expenses.
Equity – The difference between your home’s value and what you owe on the mortgage.
Estate Planning – Planning how your assets will be passed on after you die.
Fixed Interest – A type of investment that pays a set rate of interest over a specified period, like bonds.
Flexi-Access Drawdown – A way to take money from your pension while leaving the rest invested.
Inflation – The rise in prices over time, reducing purchasing power.
Inheritance Tax – Tax on the estate (property, money, etc.) passed on after someone dies.
Interest Rate – The cost of borrowing or the reward for saving.
Investment Portfolio – A collection of all your investments.
ISA (Individual Savings Account) – A savings or investment account where earnings are tax-free.
Liabilities – Money you owe, like a mortgage or credit card debt.
Lifetime Allowance – Previously a limit on how much could be saved in a pension without extra tax. Abolished in 2023.
Lump Sum Death Benefit – Replaces the Lifetime Allowance; now, any death benefit lump sum over £1,073,100 will be taxed at your beneficiary’s marginal income tax rate.
Liquidity – How quickly you can access your money.
National Insurance – A tax that funds benefits like healthcare and the state pension.
Net Worth – Your assets minus your liabilities.
Offshore Investment Bonds – Investments from non-UK providers with potential tax advantages.
Onshore Investment Bonds – Investments from UK providers with specific tax benefits.
Pension – A savings pot to provide an income during retirement.
Rebalancing – Adjusting your investments to stay aligned with your goals.
Risk Tolerance – Your comfort level with investment risks.
SEIS (Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme) – A tax-efficient, high-risk investment in start-ups.
State Pension – A regular payment from the government once you retire, based on your National Insurance contributions.
Stocks & Shares – Buying a piece of a company. Can increase or decrease in value.
Tax Efficiency – Organizing your finances to minimize tax.
VCT (Venture Capital Trust) – High-risk investment in small, unlisted companies with tax relief.
Will – A legal document stating what should happen to your assets after you die.
Inheritance Tax planning, Estate Planning & Tax Planning are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.